About Me
My name is Alexis. I'm a 4-year-old girl.

My birthday is
October 6, 2020.
Child ID




My Story

"Hello, I’m Alexis, and I love my school." 

Alexis is a bright and cheerful young girl, eager to learn every day.

She has one brother, William, and together they live with their cousin, Happiness and parents in a small two-room concrete house in Dandora Phase IV. Her father works tirelessly as a security guard to provide for their needs, while her mother is a mobile salonist. 

Alexis and her family feel incredibly blessed and thankful for the chance to be part of the KDS family. With your support, Alexis will continue to grow, learn and dream big. 

Kinyago-Dandora Schools

Kinyago-Dandora Schools are located in the heart of Nairobi's slums in Kenya, East Africa. Kinyago-Dandora Schools stand as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged children in the community, who face numerous challenges through the provision of quality education, holistic guidance and counseling, nutritious meals, and healthcare. In a country where the population is more than 50 million, Kenya has faced significant hurdles, including epidemics like malaria, cholera, AIDS, and the impact of a devastating East African drought leading to widespread starvation.

Primary and Junior Secondary Education ~ Our KDS campus has a population of 550 students. The primary level has 400 students while junior secondary has 150 students. Academically, KDS is one of the top schools in the district, boasting an impressive 100% transition rate. Our students not only excel in academics but also shine in a variety of extracurricular activities.

Senior Secondary Education ~ Our Secondary Campus has about 200 students enrolled. Recognized by the Kenyan Ministry of Education as one of the best schools in the Njiru District, KDSS proudly achieves a remarkable 100% transition rate for graduating seniors.

Post Secondary Education ~ Upon completing Grade 12, graduates join Kinyago Alumni Association while they enrol on ICT and Leadership Training Program at KDSS as they prepare to transition to colleges and universities.

The Bernard Sewe Scholarship Fund has been established to support KDSS graduates who attend colleges and universities across Kenya.

“We can’t change the whole world but, we can change one child’s world.”