When students walk the halls of their schools, they probably are not thinking about how fortunate they are to be there. Compulsory free education for all is assumed and often taken for granted here in America, but it isn’t that way in much of the world.
In Kenya, prior to 2003, education was almost entirely the responsibility of local communities and church organizations. Since then, the government has taken great strides in the development and administration of its schools but there is still a long way to go before Kenya reaches its goal of free education for all children. Secondary school has been cited by the UN Millennium Project as one of the keys to breaking acute poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa which includes Kenya. Yet a quality education is still unattainable to most children living in extreme scarcity.
The Kinyago-Dandora Schools (KDS) have become a community of strength, love and hope for the children living in Kinyago-Dandora, one of the poorest areas of Nairobi. The children enrolled in our program know that within the walls of KDS they will find nourishment for the body and soul, teachers and staff who care about them, and an opportunity to rise above their circumstances.
Our Mission is to transform the lives of Kenya’s impoverished children by raising up servant leaders and providing life’s basic necessities including nutrition, medical care and education in a Christ centered environment. Our children flourish under the nurturing care of African professionals who believe in imparting faith based principles to children in the most important time in their growing years from preschool to university. Armed with an education, these young men and women will return to their communities to serve as agents of change. Our challenge is to raise up Kenya’s future leaders and be part of the call to create independence and leadership for Africa.
I am truly excited about our future. With each trip to Kenya I spend several weeks interacting with our dedicated staff and teachers. I am always impressed by the determination of our students to make a difference in their communities. Equally impressive are our university students who continue to serve as role models to their younger peers.
Several new extra-curricular clubs have been started by our high school and college students. Two are particularly heart-warming: The art club, which is catering to special needs children in the community and another is visiting homes of kids who are not enrolled at KDS. The mission of both clubs is to help these children understand their value, and that with God’s help, they too, can rise above their poverty.
May God bless you for helping us equip young people to rise above their poverty and disadvantage with hope and determination. We are very grateful for your commitment to the Lord’s work in bringing up Kenya’s future leaders in that impoverished, yet hopeful, community.
– Ginger Palm, CEO