My Name is Mugele Collins Omondi.

I am a founding member of The Kinyago-Dandora Alumni Association, which offers a forum for former students of KDS to meet and keep abreast of ways by which they can be part of Kinyago-Dandora Schools (KDS) by giving back skills acquired, mentor the young ones and most importanltly, keep the family alive through prayer.

I thank Kenya Children’s Fund (KCF) and most imoportantly God for making it possible for KCF to make a special person in me. KDS, under the sponsorship of KCF has seen me through school from  kindergarten through high school and university education. What else can one desire than a holistic academic environment with provision that exists at KDS? I am forever grateful for the opportunity.

As a child and student at KDS, I longed to be in school. KDS was a home and refuge – that place that would offer a paradise of some kind. It is here a child would be safe and provided for nutritionally from morning to evening. More importantly was the academic and spiritual nurishment. The school is a fountain of joy for many. I thank God for the school. It molds the best of what society shuns.

I completed my Bachelor of Law and Communication Degree in 2014. As a student I had the opportunitiy to work with Kenya Railways Corporation. I have also been privileged to act as the Legal Affairs and Finance Manager at Benfi Freight Limited Company. By September 2014, God had sent me back to KDS to serve the childern of God and contribute in making a positive difference. It is a great privilege for me to work closely with KCF CEO, Ginger Palm now as Managing Director at KDS. The entire team at KDS and KCF are inspiring and relevant to me in my journey with Christ.


Your donation to Kenya Children’s
Fund supports healthcare,
nutrition & a Christ-centered
education for all our students.